Orcs Must Die! 3, Tipping the Scales DLC is now available on these stores:
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In Tipping the Scales, the new Tuatara enemy race invades across five new maps including a new War Scenario! Bring your new gear to the fight to overcome the Tuatara’s special ability that limits the damage they can take.

5 New Maps!
Explore the Fortresses defending the Rifts on the world of the fierce Tuatara. Battle through the ornate and unforgiving Oasis Outpost, launch and gib lizards in the sinking Sand Sea Castle and join in the war against the Tuatara at the Desert Wall.
New Gear!
The Tuatara
Tuatara Light – The foundation of the Tuatara army. They may be small, but with the Tuatara’s ability to withstand high damage attacks, you may need to rethink how you fight them.
Tuatara Heavy – The Heavy packs a punch and by punch I mean a big sword.
Tuatara Ranger – A sneaky ranged unit with deadly accuracy.
Tuatara Assassin - The Assassin is a player hunter. He brings a unique stealth ability and becomes nearly invisible as he approaches to attack you.