Arcane Update (LIVE NOW) - New War Mage, Traps, Maps, & More!
Dearest War Mages, the Arcane update has finally arrived! This update introduces exciting new content, along with some gameplay tweaks to only make your experience better. Below, you’ll find details on the changes and the bug fixes we've addressed in this patch.
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New Content
New War Mage: Gabriella – The Master of the Order has returned!
The legendary War Mage from prior Orcs Must Die! games joins the fight. Gabriella is a master of ranged destruction and arcane magic.
Can be unlocked by finding her Scepter hidden in the Order Fortress
Master Gabriella Abilities
Passive: Pox
Gabriella’s abilities have the chance to apply Pox to enemies causing them to take increased damage from all traps
Hero Trap: The Warp Return
A square shaped trap that aids Gabriella in her Special Ability: Warp
Primary Ability: The Sceptor of Domination
Fire an unconfined beam of arcane magic at your enemies
Secondary Ability: Arcane Blast
A high-speed enchanting projectile that deals high damage
If Arcane Blast explodes on impact, it will apply pox to enemies within range
Special Ability: Warp
Requires placement of Hero Trap: The Warp Return
Gather up nearby enemies and teleport them to The Warp Return
Works on all enemies except for Elementals or Bosses
Overdrive Ability: Mesmerize
This enchantment charms up to 5 nearby enemies to fight for Gabriella
Mesmerized enemies are fully healed and gain increased health and damage
War Mage Trait: Blink
Jumping around while in the air will cause you to teleport short distances
Gabriella will default to teleporting backwards
New Maps – 6 new ones!
Two Classic OMD maps return – but with a Deathtrap reimagining
Order Bathhouse
Unrestricted Section
Four remixed, smaller Deathtrap maps – compact, high-intensity arenas ideal for that perfect killbox. These new versions are titled:
Patio Library
Hedge Maze
Back Alley Sewers
New Traps – fortify your defenses with three wicked new tools:
Beehive (Organic Trap)
Drops a hive that explodes into a swarm of stinging bees. Painful, persistent, and perfect for softening enemy waves
Orc Cannon (Ballista Trap)
Lures in a Light Orc, loads it like a projectile, and blasts it into oncoming foes. A little orc-on-orc violence!
Web Spinner
Slows the horde by suspending them mid-air in sticky webs. Great for crowd control and setting up devastating combos.
New Enemy: Unstable Orc – Slow, Tanky, Deadly
A slow but high HP Orc that ignores War Mages and is worth 10 rift points
Explodes on death disabling traps and damaging War Mages and enemies within a large area
On Crystal Defense mission, explodes when reaching the Rift Crystal – dealing 10 rift points worth of damage to the Crystal
Only appears from Unstable Rifts or when taking the new “Looming Disaster” distortion
New Skins
Minty Fresh
A new minty color palette can be unlocked for each War Mage’s default skin by completing new milestones.
A new milestone can be found for each War Mages when previewing the skin in the Wardrobe.
New Threads
A complete suite of threads for Gabriella
Multiple new threads to accompany the new traps
Floor Scorcher: Turn the Wall Scorcher into a Floor Scorcher
New Distortions
Dev Note: Adding more distortion options to expand the pool
Furloughed: Sentinels cannot be summoned
Price Hikes: All trap prices are increased by an additional 25%
No Combo No Coin: Enemies that die without a combo are no longer worth any Rune Coin
Too Short to Ride: Kobolds are no longer worth any Rune Coin
Missing Moneybags: Ogres are no longer worth any Rune Coin
Troll Exemption: Trolls are no longer worth any Rune Coin
Mage Training: Orcs have a 25% chance to heal nearby enemies when they die
Can’t Stop Won’t Stop: Kobolds are immune to Stun, Slow, and Freeze status effects
Hot Commodity: Physics Traps cost 100% additional Rune Coin
Faulty Parts: All activated traps have a 15% chance to be disabled for 10 seconds instead of activating
Looming Disaster: An Unstable Orc appears with every wave. Unstable Orc trap disable lasts 50% longer
New Features
New NPC: The Alchemist – Sullivan
Purchase Elixirs with Skulls to empower the next run. Only one Elixir per player can be active at a time.
Multiplayer Quicksave
A new station is near the Rift in the Order Fortress where players can save and load their quicksaves
Single Player quicksave has been moved from the main menu to this new station
Multiplayer quicksave will save all the progress of the run for each player with their current state during the run. When loaded, anyone who is not present will be removed from the save. Anyone who joins a save in progress will start from scratch
Free Skip choice during Thread Selection
Dev Note: A new choice added alongside Reroll and the Skip for Coin options. This will allow players deep into a run to avoid taking an unwanted thread, or challenge seekers to attempt thread-less runs
Map Star Rating for Map Size
All maps now have a Star Rating when displayed during Mission Select. The Star Rating shows the relative size of a map using a scale from 1-star (smallest) to 3-stars (largest)
Gameplay Adjustments
Spike Wall now launches all Hunter enemies by default
Dev Note: Player sentiment was largely that this trap was outclassed by most other options, but since its damage potential is already fairly high for a physics trap, we decided to let it launch hunters by default to increase its situational viability
Added Bounce Count stat to the Magic Orb’s stats page
Dev Note: Since there is a maximum bounce count on this trap, and a thread to increase that bounce count, the community requested visibility on this stat
Troll Archers: Adjustments made to attack to aim higher at target
Dev Note: This adjustment is to help reduce unintended damage to barricades
Wren’s Rollback has been re-enabled but changed so that it has a 50% chance to reset Trap Blast after using it, instead of the 25% chance after a successful reload
This thread originally triggered off Perfect Recharge but it was not intended for a player to trigger repeatedly in a short period of time. Moving the trigger to Trap Blast itself, but with a 50% chance is more in line with the original intent of the thread
Friend of the Dead no longer removes Orc Skeleton Aggro from Sophie Instead, it reduces Orc Skeleton health and damage by 50% each
Undead Hall Pass now makes Orc Skeletons always cost 0 Rift Points instead of having a 50% chance for them to cost nothing
Dev Note: Due to community feedback that these two Sophie threads didn’t feel particularly useful, we reworked them to something we thought would be more appealing options
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where Enemies could walk through barricades with specific setups
Fixed doubled spawn issues when wearing a skin
Fixed issues with solo quicksave not saving all data correctly
Fixed an issue with Hookshot not applying a combo point while holding an enemy
Fixed an issue where Lifebats would rush to the Rift Crystal and ignore healing other enemies on Crystal Defense maps
Corrected the War Mage downed bar color
Fixed issues where Enemies and Wisps were getting stuck on certain Floor Traps placed on the Platform surrounding Rift Crystals
Harlow's boom barrel upgrades to add hero trap now works properly for clients
Fixed the issue where Ogres could become stuck in-place performing their Charging Ability if it did not successfully contact the player
Fixed NonHUD hero portrait icons defaulting incorrectly after hero swap
The Scramble Distortion has been fixed and reenabled
Fixed various issues in maps where players could exit the level or get stuck in geo
Fixed various polish issues with UI’s