Patch 1.0.12 - Bug Fix and Gameplay Mega-Update
The team at Robot Entertainment has been hard at work preparing this exciting update for our players! Update 1.0.12 focuses on key fixes and gameplay improvements, driven by feedback and reports we've received since launch. We wanted to get this update to you as quickly as possible while we continue to work on a larger content patch set to release later this month. We hope you enjoy this update, and we remain committed to delivering the best gaming experience possible. Thank you for your continued support!
Bug Fixes
Crash & Stability Fixes
Fixes crash in settings when some anti-aliasing methods were not supported by graphics card
Fixes a crash that would occur occasionally when leaving a level or returning to the hub
Fixes a crash that would occasionally occur while placing traps
Fixed a compression crash
Fix for crash on failed login while being invited to a game
Fix for crash that can occur if the game doesn’t start up successfully
Fix for crash that occurs when joining a friend’s game while loading into a game
Fix for crash that occurs when the host leaves the game while a player is searching
Fix for dead characters that are pinged causing a crash when unpossessed
Fixed a crash on adjusting graphics settings
Fixed an engine crash when a combo box selection change removes the combo box
Fixed an Xbox permissions crash
Fix for an async crash when shutting down Xbox
Fixed Xbox crash when opening Gameplay settings offline
Traps Fixes
Fixed a bug where the Swinging Mace would occasionally miss enemies on the back swing.
Fixed a bug where traps wouldn’t be sold in multiplayer if replaced by an item in the hidden loadout bar
Fixing an issue with Molten Gold where the damage was incorrectly dealing five times the intended amount after a previous bug fix where it stopped functioning if the cooldown was lower than the duration.
Fixing the poison flower cloud not appearing on clients
Made minecart self-destruct after 5 seconds if not stopped
Fixed Grinder permanent DPS even when jammed
Maximilian’s hero trap will now appear on the minimap when placed
Distortions & Thread Fixes
Fixed distortion refund issue for barricade destruction after player death
Fixed Supply and Demand Distortion applying multiple times
Fixed an issue with Giant Morningstar and You Get What You Pay For threads not stacking correctly on the Morningstar Shooter
Fixed the Rift Blessing Making Gains to properly give 500 health
Add Rune Coin to Quicksaves to make Playing the Odds thread work
Fixed trap count reset on death
Fixed the Bigger Stronger Flippers thread to correctly double the cost of Flip Traps
Fixed the Disabled Safety Features thread so it no longer targets Hero Traps
Fixed an issue where Mac’s Extra Gravity Grenade upgrade, Max’s Hit ‘Em Again thread, and Harlow’s Free Flying Lessons thread were granting 3 additional charges instead of 1
Fixed Rift Barricade buff being removed when a Rift Barricade is sold while another Rift Barricade was still buffing the trap
Visual Effects & Damage Fixes
Freeze Death Effects now work properly when the No Gore option is enabled
Fixed Ultimate Secondary damage issue for Max by removing extra damage window
UI Fixes
Fixed an issue with tutorial video fade not applying to video image correctly
Fix downed bar not having the right color
Fix draft cancellation leaving host stranded in hero select
Fixed unmapped Social Menu button in Mission Select
Fixed Non-HUD hero portrait icons defaulting incorrectly after hero swap
Fixed persistence issues for "You Dropped This" message in Sniper Thread
Fixing DLSS not working if Anti-Aliasing is set to anything besides TSR
Fix for pings displaying at origin when the enemy despawns
Fix for enemy ping placement for Rift Elementals and Water Elementals
Enemy and Pathing Fixes
Fixed an issue where Ghostfang Boss would die after getting stuck
Fixed Lizardman Thief achievement related to coin spending
Fix Ogre Charge ability to prevent getting stuck
Kobold Sappers now delay explosion upon reaching a barricade and will no longer survive their own explosion on High Difficulties
Units stuck due to path blocking now attempt to find a new movement node
Fixed issue to prevent unnecessary AI re-pathing
Miscellaneous Fixes
Fix for rejoin option not working when getting kicked from a session
Fix for respawning players unable to find a spawn location
Fix doubled spawn when wearing a skin
Ensured Quicksave loads data for all players, not just the host
Fix for lobby list showing private friend's games
Fix for cancelling map draft after launch causing issues when the map loads
Fixing an issue on Patio with the Unstable Rift, Skeleton, and Water Elemental spawners
Players are now invulnerable for a brief time after spawning and after being revived.
Xbox Performance Improvements
Optimized overall VFX performance
UI Polish and Texture Memory Optimization
Lighting Improvements for medium and high settings
Difficulty now recalculates on wave change
Improved Go Online functionality when disconnected
Updated Trap VFX
Added Wounded Status VFX to Player
Added Silenced status VFX to Player
Adjusted Sawblade wisp lifetime
Made poison cloud FX more transparent
Added visuals for Lightning Damage Wrench Staff
Excluded password-protected games from lobby search results
Adjusted pickup durations to 300 seconds from 120 seconds
Added Steam Deck default graphics and improved font readability
Additional audio for breakable props has been integrated
Additional sound design added for various enemies, bosses, sentinels, & traps
Additional environmental audio has been added for all maps
The volume of all video playback is now controlled by the overall volume setting
Various audio mix adjustments have been made
Modified scaling on Spellbook icons to fix coin display issues on larger resolutions
Updated text for mission select social button and corresponding UI button
Quality of Life
When a new patch version is detected, players will be notified via chat and in the HUB and lobby browser
Password protected games are now removed from the list when not searched
In the Lobby List, when the star icon is moused over, it now shows friends in game or the host’s name if no friends are in the lobby
Added a message to notify the host to change their settings when a player attempts to join their private game
Add confirmation to Quicksave button on post-game menu
Made options menu more mod-friendly by using names instead of enums
Gameplay Adjustments
Dev Notes: The barricade scaling was specifically for players getting deep in their runs or starting to scale up the difficulty. Barricades were just getting destroyed too fast at those higher levels. This provides barricade consistency across higher levels of difficulty. The rest are technically bug fixes or provide visual consistency for things affected by said trap.
Barricade and Rift Barricade health now scales with Difficulty and Mission Count
Decreasing trap cost distortions from 100% to 50% and fixing supply/demand distortion text
Making trap cost increase distortions no longer affect the rift barricade
Traps buffed by the Healing Tree’s organic traps thread now display the same glow as the Time Crystal trap
War Mages
All Heroes
Adding Damage and Aggro Immunity during all Ultimate activation animations
Dev Notes: This was intended to allow players more safety when activating ultimate's during the heat of battle.
Calling Stone (Special) health now scales with Difficulty and Mission Count
Dev Notes: This allows the Calling Stone to remain consistent across difficulties and later mission runs.
Primary damage increased from 28 to 32
Secondary damage increased from 30 to 35
Wind Blast (Special) can now launch all Hunters by default
Big Henry’s damage now scales with Difficulty and Mission Count
Dev Notes: First 3 bullets were specific buffs to add to her dmg ability. There was feedback that she felt a little weak. Big Henry's change was also intended for late game or difficulty constancy.
Increasing movement speed modifier during Shadow Form (Special) from 2 to 2.5
Adding Damage and Aggro immunity during start-up of Shadow Form (Special)
Dev Notes: Sophie's changes were mainly to make her move speed feel faster during Shadow Form and to make her safer when activating the ability.
Reducing Make it Rain thread coin drop chance from 50% to 25%
Dev Notes: Switching Troll Archers to Ogres was to prevent Troll Archers from hitting barricades that are placed in their line of sight when attacking the Rift Crystal. Troll Archers can still appear in a wave via the random Onslaught nodes. Rift Crystal change was to make sure ALL enemies could hit the crystal. Some enemies would either not attack at all or miss their attack.
Allowing a chest to spawn on boss maps and their repeatable versions
Replaced Troll Archers for Ogres in Fish Market Onslaught
Adjustments made to Rift Crystal to allow minion attacks to more reliably hit the crystal
Dry Docks - Added ceiling trap space along the second-floor market area
Dev Notes: Unstable Rift and Water Elemental Orb health were to make them easier to kill as players reached higher level counts or on higher difficulties. Red Rift Elementals were also a bit too hard as they scaled to higher levels or difficulties. The dmg reduction makes them safer to fight for melee heroes. There were complaints of Firelings being a little too hard to counter or to protect barricades from. Especially with many enemies or things happening on screen.
Unstable Rifts
Decreased health from 5000 health to 2500 health
Increased chance to spawn Blue Elementals
Decreased Water Elemental Orb health from 2000 health to 1500 health
Red Rift Elemental
Decreased health from 10000 health to 7500 health
Decreased damage dealt to players from 150 damage to 75 damage
Elemental Firelings are now Player Hunters. They will no longer target barricades, but their explosion can still damage barricades
Cyclops Mage: Adjusted fire point of projectile. This is to help reduce projectile unintentionally hitting barricades
Distortions and Blessings
Reducing Lane Opener from minus 3 barricades to only minus 2 based on player feedback.
Fixing Supply and Demand text to correctly reflect the trap cost increase of 100 additional coin per trap placed
Reducing Ceiling Tax, Floor Tax, and Wall Tax distortions from a double cost increase to a 50% cost increase
Separated the trap cost increase and trap cost decrease multiplier channels so that trap cost reduction threads do not feel as weak when trap cost distortions are taken
Dev Notes: This change was to help with the frustration of needing to get the last hit to get credit for the kill.
Changed “kill all enemy” milestone to no longer require Bosses, Little Moneybags, or Blue Elementals
Known Issues
An issue where placed barricades do not place a proper obstruction, causing enemies to walk through them, is known and a fix is in progress
Issue with players not respawning after dying in shallow Arboretum water
Issue where players getting Revived being stuck at 99%
Issue where Sentinels can fall off platform and despawn
Issue where Unstable Rift can spawn in walls
Issue with lost or corrupted profiles
Investigating issues with crossplay connectivity
Investigating issues where enemies can be at zero HP, but not die or enter rift